The strength or weakness of our marriage determines the joy, sorrow, fulfillment, or misery of our life and family. God has given us the basic principles for having vibrant health in marriage. This ministry is dedicated to the development of people who use God’s PRINCIPLES TO LIVE BY. We don’t need any more quick fixes that don’t work, or distractions that anesthetize the pain. We need to know how to repair damaged marriages and how to build great relationships throughout all our life. PTLB can help.
"As I read Marital Intelligence, I thought - 'It's about time!' A gifted author, communicator, and leader, Dr. Gil Stieglitz has just delivered his most valuable book. Marital Intelligence is a gold mine for anyone who believes that any marriage can thrive if and when biblical hope and help are applied. And this is no mere ivory tower treatise. Drawing from 25 years of experience, Gil uncovers the five basic problems in marriage and then offers the two things all marriages need - encouragement and practical help straight from the Scriptures. This book will help couples who are struggling and those who want to add a new spark to their marriage. It will also be a great resource for counselors, pastors, and premarital workshops. This is a must-read that will energize and equip marriages.
What's at stake? Everything! Because I believe that what happens in your house is as important as what happens in the White House, my prayer is that God will use this book to light some fires in thousands of homes that will never go out." —Ray Johnston, Senior Pastor at Bayside Church, Granite Bay, California. Bayside has become one of the fastest growing churches on the West Coast with over 21,000 in attendance
"Finally, a book that does more than just tell you that you are not doing marriage the right way, but gives you day by day, practical ways to make it right! It's the kind of map you can use in your marriage and give to others to help their marriage." —Dean Matteson, Senior Pastor, Faith Community Church, Palmdale, California
"Gil Stieglitz is the most strategic writer in the current church world. His understanding and experience as a pastor, district superintendent, consultant, and husband have combined to produce a rich background captured for this book. He has brought the best of current marriage theory, counseling background, and biblical principles to bear on a fresh, comprehensive look at our most intimate relationship -- marriage. Whether you are contemplating marriage, are newly married, or are committed to a long-term marriage, you will find accurate diagnosis, self-evaluation, and practical help. If applied, this book can help save a deteriorating marriage. Whatever condition you bring to this book, get ready for a great read and then practical suggestions to improve on your relationship." —Dr. Conrad Lowe, Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor, District Superintendent, and President of his own Church Consulting Company.
"At last! A marriage resource manual and enrichment guide for the rest of us who want biblical, honest answers but don't want psycho-jargon! The self-test alone is easy to use, and helpful. Together with the book's practical advice, this test and book will give real feedback and guidance to hurting couples who know their marriage is broken but don't know how to fix it. Many couples will have Gil Stieglitz to thank for improving their marriage! Way to go, Gil!" —Dr. Rick Stedman,
"If you have ever been frustrated that marriage didn't come with a manual, you just hit the jackpot! Marital Intelligence by Gil Stieglitz will provide you with a roadmap for increasing the health, stability, and foundations of your marriage. Gil's book is organized around the five problems in marriage; but rather than being a book about how to avoid or resolve conflicts alone, this book equips you to build a healthy marriage in each of the five problem areas. I strongly recommend the book for pastors, counselors, and anyone wanting to build or bless others with a strong marriage." —Dr. John Jackson, President of William Jessup University
Marital Intelligence Seminar
Most married couples experience issues in the following areas:
1. Understanding his needs and her needs
2. Dealing with immature or old patterns of behavior
3. Finding peace when temperaments and personalities clash
4. Determining boundaries for competing relationships
5. Learning to let go of past baggage
Marital Intelligence is a 5-week series in which each of these problems are discussed in detail, along with antidotes, solutions and self-assessments that help you identify and understand these behaviors. Let’s learn together how we can build healthy practices into our lives and our marriages.
The series is based on the book Marital Intelligence, written by Gil Stieglitz.
Available in Paperback and E-book
God's Plan for Husbands and Wives Seminar
Since God invented marriage it would make sense that He would have the best plan for making it work. What he asks can only be described as radical. Hundreds of marriages have been saved and transformed by looking at what God actually says to do. God asks husbands to do things that are completely different than He asks of wives. Wouldn’t you like to know what God thinks you should do to make your marriage work at a whole new level?
God tells husbands in the Scriptures to do seven things to demonstrate love for their wives. These seven different things are the way that most wives describe what it means to love them. Once you begin to learn about what God says to husbands and what it means, it becomes clear that this is not how a man would describe what it means to love them. This seminar will help you remember these ten commands by making them a part of the acrostic H.U.S.B.A.N.D.
God's R.A.D.I.C.A.L. Plan for Wives shows wives how to clearly and effectively communicate their needs to their husbands. It explains how a wife can draw her husband into a participation in a great marriage, even when he may be distant or over-involved at work.
Purchase Becoming a Godly Husband
Purchase God's Radical Plan for Wives
Available in paperback, ebook, video course (husbands only), and as a Bible study (wives only).
Please contact us if you would like information and/or to schedule one of the Principle To Live By conferences.
Ministry Development and Coaching