Rick Hoppe
Get your copy of Rick's new book, "Refuel Your Soul".
Visit rickhopperefuel.com.
With over 20 years of teaching, counseling, and coaching experience, Rick provides a spectrum of services with the common thread of empowering and motivating people in their personal and athletic endeavors. This begins with refueling your soul.

As a PTLB team life coach, speaker, consultant, and Life Is Relationships blogger, I partner with parents to encourage/train your children spiritually, emotionally, mentally, academically, and athletically. Together, we work to develop the strengths and champion in your child in jr. high, high school, college, and life. If you would like to connect with me, email me at rick.hoppe@ptlb.com.
Life Coaching for Athletes:
Helping junior high and high school student-athletes reach their maximum potential. Topics include: learning how to optimize mental, physical, and academic confidence; channeling negative energy towards building success; understanding the ins and outs of achieving a college scholarship; and more.
Life Coaching for Parents:
Helping guide parents through the ups and downs of parenting kids of all ages. Topics include: teens and your marriage, teens and technology, the importance of your teen's relationship with God, and more.
General Life Coaching:
No-strings-attached 30-minute initial life coaching consultation.
Motivational Speaking:
Peak performance is only possible when your soul is fueled—not just your mind and body. Through engaging storytelling and interactive exercises, Rick will teach your group how to refuel and fulfill ALL areas of life. Perfect for schools, churches, camps, and events.