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Breakfast with Solomon - John 10:10

Dr. Stieglitz

"I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly"

Abundance living is more than enough living -- having extra to spread around or feeling like we have a surplus. What would it be like if our spouse felt so loved that they almost wanted the compliments, the intimacy, the respect and honor to stop? It just seemed to be too much. What if our children felt that we loved them almost too much? What if our boss felt that we loved the company too much and having us on the payroll was a delightful abundance?

Zig Ziglar says it this way: “You can get everything you want if you help enough people get what they want and need.”

Abundant living means loving, deep relationships in each area of life.

Jesus meant two fulfillments of this truth: Once when the power of God flowed into our life and changed the way we lived here; but also the final culmination in heaven where we will enjoy abundant life of a type, variety, and depth that we cannot even imagine here. We must not forget this heavenly fulfillment that will totally outstrip any level of abundant life that we can experience here. There are even times here when God asks us to empty one of the arenas of life in order to accomplish His will. Some are to give up marriage, some are to give up families, some are to give up comfort and money, some are to give up significant position or authority in this world because your life is aimed at abundance there and creating abundance. But the Lord usually also gives his servants great abundance in this life in the other areas that they have not been asked to sacrifice.

Until tomorrow,

Gil Stieglitz

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