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Breakfast with Solomon - Proverbs 15:26

Dr. Stieglitz

"Evil plans are an abomination to the Lord, but pleasant words are pure"


This is the Hebrew word ra which means evil or bad. This is the same idea as that which is wicked. It is those actions that go beyond the boundaries of the Ten Commandments. In this instance it is clear that Solomon is helping us understand that even planning evil is a problem. We have in our culture the idea that our mind is a morality-free zone. The idea is that we can think anything we like and no one can tell us that it is wrong. This is not a biblical idea. We are responsible for what we think about. If we manufacture plans to get even, to commit adultery, to steal, to curse, to rebel, then we have ignored our responsibility to think pure thoughts.

Solomon is basically saying that we need to short-circuit the sin nature inside of us that often moves to evil when selfish interests are threatened or violated.

Solomon is also trying to establish the idea that we are responsible for everything we think. One day we will be evaluated for everything we said, thought, did, every attitude, and every motive. This evaluation is called judgment day. Even Christians who will have passed out of the judgment of condemnation will go through an evaluation by Christ for rewards covering the same penetrating aspects.


This is the Hebrew word abominable. This word registers the Lord's rejection of certain behaviors. It is the settled and consistent judgment of the Lord. This is not acceptable behavior.


This is the Hebrew word naim which means pleasant, sweet, lovely, agreeable. The idea is that rather than stew away with selfish, vengeful plans, we speak helpful, encouraging, and positive words into people's lives. It will change your frame of reference and help them. Jesus says something very similar when He says: Bless those who curse you, pray for those who persecute you. The focus is on the ability of speaking positive, affirming, and strength-focused words to keep you right in the center of the will of God.


This is the Hebrew word tahor which means clean or pure. This is not the word that we would expect here in this place to complete the contrast with the first part of this proverb. But thinking from a Hebraic point of view, this idea of moral purity is the perfect parallel. Solomon is saying that planning to go outside of the Ten Commandments is a very evil thing but speaking uplifting and pleasant words brings the blessing of God. For that which is pure or purified is understood as having the blessing of God.

Until tomorrow,

Gil Stieglitz

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