Thank you for joining me for part 4 of my series on Maintaining a Healthy Attitude at Work. The fourth perspective to have a healthy attitude at work is the idea of being ... HUNGRY.
Would it be safe to assume that you are still working because you need that job and subsequent income? Imagine for a moment that you did not have this source of income. What would you do? How would you provide for yourself or your family? Sounds simple doesn’t it? This is why we still need to reign in our thoughts of “I quit,” “I’m going to give that person a piece of my mind,” “I’m going to give that person what they deserve,” or “I’m going to tell the boss what I really think.” The collateral damage from an unfettered tongue can be devastating to you, hurtful to others, and could cost you your job or a promotion. Quick, get a bridle on that tongue of yours!
Impulsive negative behavior does not only affect you but puts your entire family or loved ones into an unbearable situation that could lead to poverty. What I am saying is to remember that you need to eat, have a roof over your head, pay the bills, and provide medical care and insurance. Maybe God has you where you are for a reason... (actually, I’m certain that He does).
All of the aforementioned needs and necessities fall into the category of "staying hungry." Do you know people who are constantly unemployed or under-employed? I know I do! We have to be careful not to cut off our source of provision just to satisfy an angry impulse or an “I-don’t-care” attitude. If your work environment is pushing you to the brink of your sanity, then you need to surrender your situation to the Lord and be used by Him.
Remember the biblical story of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers because of pride, jealously, and revenge at the age of seventeen? He was also later wrongly accused by his master’s wife of rape. He spent approximately eleven years as a captive servant in a strange country, and at least two more years in prison hoping and waiting for God to act and change his "work situation." His mouth definitely got him into trouble! But while he was in prison, he used what he had been given by God to rise to a position of leadership in a really bad environment: his faith, unique talent, patience, and persuasive people skills were used to make an unbearable situation bearable for him and others, as well as profitable for the Kingdom of God.
This lesson is a twist on a popular commercial for a consumable product, “stay hungry my friend.” You can endure more than you think.
Serving Him,
Steve McNally, guest PTLB blogger
(Comments can be directed to info@ptlb.com)
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