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Maintaining a Healthy Attitude at Work Series. Part 2—Helpful

By Steve McNally

I'm so glad to be back and thank you for joining me for Part 2 of my series on Maintaining a Healthy Attitude at Work, which can be very challenging for many of us. The first H-factor was Happy, which you can read about by clicking HERE. Now let’s take a look at the second “H” factor in the progression for keeping a healthy work attitude.

The second perspective is the word HELPFUL.

The point of this perspective is to try not to be an island unto yourself. We can do our jobs and at the same time help others with their duties. The idea is to intentionally reach out to others, but without thought of any “quid pro quo” or hope for payback. This will fulfill the law of Christ and will actually bring you to a happier place in your own life. (Luke 6:31; Matt 22:37-39)

Also, you will find out how quickly your superiors notice that you go out of your way to help others and embody the team attitude. Resist the temptation to pull inward by putting walls of self-sufficiency and disinterest around yourself and avoiding contact with your fellow employees. This includes clients, stake holders, customers, and account owners if you own your own business. If you are a business owner, you know what I mean.

Be willing to engage. Avoiding contact with people because you think they are ‘idiots’ is not the goal of a Christian in the workplace. I love what Dr. Gil Stieglitz always says in his Principles to Live By (PTLB) communications, Life Is Relationships. You can’t go it alone. You were meant to be with people and to interact with them to reflect God’s glory and purposes.

For your study today, take a minute and look up the following Scripture references for study, development, and pursuit of relational excellence. Let the Lord guide you today.

Think about those you work with right now. What are some ways you can be helpful to them this week? Go ahead and offer to help someone today. You can do it! Be helpful. Be known for being the “go to” person. It’s the right thing to do.

Serving Him,

Steve McNally, guest PTLB blogger

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