Welcome back to our series Transformed: Getting from Stuck to Unstuck. My hope is that you are finding this series useful to help you move from a life that is stuck or stagnant, to one of great purpose and joy. We want you moving forward with all that God has for you, and today’s step will help you move closer to that goal. (If you want to access the other articles of the series, click HERE.)
Affirmation #7: Embrace the truth that God is constantly and continually working to bless you, rather than harm you.
Romans 8:28 says,
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to HIs purpose.
This verse is paramount to understanding that things that seem hard or difficult or discouraging, God is trying to bless you and move you towards a better future in some way, whether its personally, professionally, financially, or relationally. While that can be hard to fathom, it is truth. The key is to recognize that God’s blessing often comes disguised as a problem, difficulty, or crisis. We can train ourselves to be alert to what He might be doing and cooperate with Him in it.
In my life, I think of the four young ladies that I was convinced at one time were the perfect mate. Each one had wonderful qualities and terrific personalities and attractiveness. But, each one made it clear to me that after lots of time together they were not interested in going further in a relationship. I was crushed after each breakup, and yet, I had the hint that the person whom God would have for me must be even better than this person. That turned out to be so true. By depriving me of what I so desperately wanted at the time, God allowed me to eventually meet and marry the perfect woman for me. She is far beyond those other young ladies in every category, and most importantly, she more clearly fits me.
I also think of how all I wanted in life was to pastor a large church that could reach lots of people and have a huge impact for Christ. I was asked to apply for a number of wonderful churches. I interviewed and rose up through process, but I was always turned down in the end after becoming one of the top candidates. This was deeply disappointing, and I did not know why this kept happening. Then one day I had a conversation with a man who specifically does not like me. He let me know that he had heard about my being considered for various churches and took it upon himself to call them and tell them that I would be a lousy pastor for that situation. His alertness and phone calls meant that no large church would consider me. After a while, I was asked to consider becoming a mentor and a pastor to pastors in a different part of the country. I accepted and have had a wonderful ministry to pastors and Christian leaders that I would never have been able to develop had that situation not occurred. I have had opportunities to speak with and impact men and women who I would have never met. I have been able to speak to huge crowds of people and talk to very influential people. Also, the flexibility of the position has allowed me to write books, which there was never enough time to accomplish in the pastorate. Without this position that I was almost forced to take, I have been able to increase my impact more than I would have in the pastorate.
Each of us has the ability to respond to situations and difficulties that are injected into our lives in different ways. Our responses will determine whether this thing stays a difficulty, problem, or evil. Our ability to have a “God perspective” can change it into a good thing, but for many people, difficulties, hard blessings, and evil just mow them down. They do not embrace the idea that God is in it—that there is a pony hidden in it somewhere.
Today there will be a series of things happen to you that God has been planning from before the foundation of the world that are designed to be good in your life and accomplish the purpose and plan of God. Look for these good things. Cooperate with these good things. Find the good things. You will have to shovel through a lot of bad things or odd things because God's plans are not our plans. And you’ll have to bear in mind that He is always after the good of our soul and the ultimate, everlasting good, not just good, fleeting things on this earth.
Think about this:
What disaster in your past turned out to be a blessing?
In all of our lives we have those things that happened to us that seemed like absolute disaster but then out of that problem came a huge blessing. It is important to think through those so you remind yourself how God works.
What is the difficulty that you are facing that God is sending as an opportunity?
Embrace the fact that God loves you and is actively loving you. He can and does bring great things out of disaster and even sin.
Two other verses to look at today:
Look for the good hidden in the various events of the day. Realize that there is a conspiracy to bless you today, this week, this month, this year, and you can choose to cooperate with what God is doing. Everything that moves you toward glorifying God more and fulfilling your purpose is a good thing, and He will fill your life with purpose and meaning.
Join me next week for affirmation #8.
Serving Him,
Gil Stieglitz
P.S. Missed the Transformed Series Introduction? Click HERE!
P.S.S. Get Breakfast with Solomon, a daily wisdom journey through the Proverbs, by signing up HERE!

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