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Holly Eaton

Prepare for His Arrival by Holly Eaton

The Creator of the Universe became an embryo in the womb of a virgin. THAT's a profound miracle worth celebrating. It changed the world. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords took on the form of a helpless newborn, quietly arriving in a filthy, remote cave, amidst the stench of animals... THAT is worth our attention. At the time, the Messiah's birth was only revealed to a random group of nobodies, dirty sheep-herders in a field. They were not popular celebrities, nor rich, nor powerful. His first arrival on Earth was private and understated. His second one will be publicly displayed to every human alive and those who have gone before throughout all of history (HIS story). It won't be quiet, remote, or hidden away. And the time we had to prepare ourselves for it will be over.

As we prepare for Christmas in 2017, let's take the opportunity to ponder and celebrate the wonderfully absurd phenomenon of God putting on human flesh. Let us also prepare for and ponder the sure and glorious end to all the evil and suffering on Earth as Jesus, the Messiah, returns victoriously and embraces His Bride (His followers who truly love Him).

It's not about trees, décor, and Santa, my friends; it's about life and death... eternally. It's about the infinite becoming finite. It's about a merciful, unfathomable God condescending to relate to you and me, to suffer, to offer Himself up as a holy sacrifice so that we, who don't deserve and cannot earn salvation, may receive the only gift that lasts forever. It's time to ponder and anticipate our eternal destination.

Merry Christmas. And may you get to know the Christ, Messiah, Savior in a very personal way so that He can bring you to life through His birth, death, and resurrection. He is the Source of every single thing you will ever need. This celebrity, the Trinity, invites you into an intimate, forever relationship. The very costly, free gift that He offers is worth unwrapping, examining, and receiving. Its power will recreate you.

God bless us, everyone!

Holly Eaton

P.S. I invite your feedback and inquiries at Healthy, loving relationships require ongoing effort for all of us. You don't have to do it alone; there is help and counsel right here. I'm currently welcoming new clients and you can reach me at 612-239-4178 to set up an appointment. God bless!

P.S.S. Please consider supporting our counseling ministry here at Principles To Live By. To donate, click HERE. All gifts are tax-deductible.

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Dear friends, many of my clients live on Social Security or otherwise cannot afford the suggested donation amount of $135 for each 80-90 minute session. PTLB is in dire need of tax-deductible donations toward the counseling scholarship fund of Holly Eaton. Please consider making a monthly tax-deductible donation to the PTLB counseling scholarship fund at If you prefer, you can mail a check to PTLB, P.O. Box 214, Roseville, CA 95661, specifying "Holly Eaton" in the memo. Thank you!

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