Last time I wrote "When Did You Stop Being You?" and it involved asking God to help you discover when you stopped being the real you. To go back in to your past and find the spot(s) where you changed or started covering up the real person who God meant for you to be. In case you missed it, click HERE.
Today, let's talk about the things that God really wants you to know about yourself - truths that are imperative to lock on to for your journey of purpose. The sole purpose of processing your story and memories is to recognize any silent vows and negative agreements you made to protect your self. These vows do not protect, instead they hinder you from realizing your true identity and keep you from fulfilling your destiny. They keep you from becoming YOU.
Our Creator promises to lead you on the path He has chosen for you. Trust His lead. Trust He will reveal every truth you need to hear, each at exactly the right time. The most important thing you can do is to continue consulting your Creator, daily asking God to keep bestowing your true identity upon you so you can separate the lies from the truth. Take those negative thoughts and memories captive but don't ignore or deny them. God promises to bring healing to every piece of your mind, your soul, and your spirit.
Though this journey is about moving forward into your identity and destiny, many people need healing from their past to be able to do just that. If you have painful episodes from your childhood or past that are still gaping wounds, my best advice is for you to engage a professional Christian counselor to lovingly walk with you through the healing process. PTLB has a great one, Holly Eaton. You can email her at by clicking HERE.
So what does God want you to know about yourself? Scripture says that you have an inheritance promised to you by God. He wants you to know that you are delightful. You are chosen. You are unique. This is your identity!
Below are powerful words that declare this. They are words of truth. Imagine God is shouting them from the heavens, declaring these truths about you to all who will listen. He is most possessive and protective of you. He longs for you to receive your identity and discover your destiny much more than you do. Open your hands and heart to receive His words deep inside of you. Put them on and wear them as you would a royal robe of a prince or princess with a crown or diamond-studded tiara on top of your head.
Write your name in the blanks and ponder the questions before answering.
"Before time began, I knew you _______________. I knew you and I set you apart." Jeremiah 1:5, paraphrase (NIV)
"But now, this is what the LORD says, I created you, _______________. I formed you. Fear not _______________, for I have redeemed you for a purpose; I have summoned you by name _______________; you are mine." Isaiah 43:1 (NIV)
"_____________ you are God's workmanship, created in Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance of your birth to do."
Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)
"Everything was created through Him [Jesus]; nothing - not one thing came into being without Him. _______________, if you believe Jesus is who He claimed, He will make you to be your true self, a child of God with all the rights and inheritance that come from that identity." John 1:12-13 (MSG)
Based on these verses, what truths do you think God wants you to know about yourself and your identity? Spend a little time with God today and ask Him to help you answer these questions. I pray you will truly contemplate who God says you are - who you were created to be. I pray you will not let anyone rob you of this truth. Hurry up, my friend! The trees are holding their breath for the real you to be unveiled!
I hope you will embark wholeheartedly on this journey of purpose. I'd love to hear from you about anything you have discovered.
Email me at j.williamson@courageworldwide.org and share with me your own stories about discovering your purpose.
Jenny Williamson
P.S. To help you along your journey of purpose, consider getting a copy of the Uniquely You study guide. It's a ten-week journey that will change your life.
You Are Somebody - Discover Your True
Identity and Destiny.
If you are interested in starting a journey of purpose for a small group you would like to host, contact Jenny directly at j.williamson@courageworldwide.com. She can help you get started. To order workbooks, go to Amazon.com.