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You Were Created on Purpose for a Purpose

Jenny Williamson

From the day you arrived in this world, I would bet there has been a never-ending supply of people telling you who you are -- or rather, who they want you to be. Our society and the media also want a voice in bestowing our identity. They shout that we need to be rich, powerful, skinny, and gorgeous if we are to be happy. We must be wearing designer clothes and driving a sexy, expensive car to the hottest gathering place in town if we are ever to be noticed and called “significant.” This false identity sells everything from iPhones to underwear. It is a lie we are all susceptible to believe.

These types of bogus media advertisements declare we are a society lacking identity. It is a plague on our world. No wonder so many people live lives of quiet desperation and lack of purpose. Who can measure up? Individually and collectively we have no sense of our unique identity or world-changing destiny. I am especially shocked with people who profess a belief in God, yet do not see themselves as valuable, cherished, planned, and loved. Their lack of identity is robbing them of their destiny, and it will rob you of yours, too.

Wasted lives. Unfilled purposes. There is nothing sadder and nothing further from God’s plans for humanity -- and from His plans for you.

Read Psalm 139:1-18 out loud. As you read and listen to these words written thousands of years ago, allow them to settle deep within you. Imagine they were written just for you and you alone. Let them affect you. If they are familiar, don’t let the familiarity rob you of their profound, transformational truth. Ponder them as if reading them for the first time. Enjoy the poetry of them as you say the words slowly, out loud. Introduce your heart to the concept that they are written for you, about you and you alone. Let the author’s words become your words to your Creator as you entertain your identity as a unique creation, created on purpose for a purpose. Feel the author’s wonder upon his discovery that he has never been alone, that his life, and yours, was planned before the beginning of time.

As you read, dare to imagine how your life would be altered if you truly believed these words; that you believed them for and about yourself. Change the “you” to “I.” Let these written words and your own voice become God’s voice. Let Him speak these words over you and over your life. Try to personalize them by adding your name. As they sink deep within you, past your own logic, let them touch the essence of you.

Take a deep breath when you are done, and as you exhale, ask God for the unique truth you need to know. Write down the words that resound within you. Paraphrase and personalize the author’s words so that they become your own. Turn it into a conversation as your Creator expresses the wonder of you. I often journal this way to help me remember the truths that touched my heart, especially those I have a hard time believing.

Today, I challenge you to consult our Creator for the answer to your true identity. You can do that by praying a prayer like this:

Father, I come to you for truth. I come to you for my true identity. Bestow it upon me and then help me believe it. Amen

May God continue to fan a flame of desire within you to be and do all you were created for and to absolutely refuse to settle for anything less. Take courage!

Thank you for reading and participating with me on this journey of purpose. I'd love to hear from you! Email me at and share with me your own stories about discovering your purpose.


Jenny Williamson


A message from Jenny Williamson

If you are interested in starting a journey of purpose for a small group you would like to host, contact Jenny directly at She can help you get started.

Email us today at We'd love to hear from you!

© 2022 PTLB

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