Last time we learned that Jesus’ example of praying to God the Father began with a posture of relationship: Father-Son, Father-Daughter. This is how we can get to a deeper level of intimacy that Jesus talks about in Matthew 6:6-10.
Now remember this is what the disciples heard Jesus doing with God the Father and God the Spirit. He was here on earth as the perfect man living His life completely dependent upon the direction and guidance of the Father and the Spirit. He did not relate to God as the Son of God but as the Son of Man. He was our perfect example of humanity. He was the Lamb of God, who took away the sin of the world. He was climbing into the lap of the Father regularly asking for guidance for the next day, the next hour, and, sometimes, the next moment. He was waiting (in his humanity) for instruction and wisdom for each step in his earthly journey. It was this intimacy, dependence, guidance, and authentic relationship that caught the disciples’ attention. They wanted what Jesus had with God.
Jesus said intimacy with the Father starts from where you start, with God as your father. Now, if you had a selfish or evil father, you may not have any reference points to what a real father is supposed to be like. But that is why I included the descriptors for what a good father does for his children in my last post The First Step in True Intimacy with the Father, which you can read by clicking here. I had a great father growing up, and it has been easier for me to transfer all of my earthly father’s traits and care to my heavenly father. But even if you didn’t have a great earthly father, you can approach God as your father and He will be there for you. You don’t have to repair your relationship with your earthly father in order to have a great relationship with your heavenly father. You can go straight to God and treat Him in the above ways, realizing He is different than your earthly father. God will always come through. He alone is the perfect Father.
It is astounding that Jesus invites us into this familial relationship based upon work he was yet to do on the cross. The disciples were children of God by faith because Jesus said he would fix it so it would be okay. They believed and trusted him.
There is a great deal of literature in our present day about “The Father Wound.” This is the wound that exists between many children and their father, because he was emotionally, physically, or mentally unavailable to them. Our present culture is extremely selfish and self-focused, which has allowed or caused many men to abandon their families and create a huge hole in the lives of their children. Growing up without a father leaves a void that can be very difficult to overcome. We need men who father children to step up and really be there for their kids. We need to hold up the unique and critical role that fathers play in the lives their children. We can elevate that role by approaching God as our Heavenly Father and building the type of relationship with God that we all need.
I realize that some of you need to begin repairing the relationship with your earthly father but do not put off a great relationship with your heavenly Father just because your earthly father was selfish or evil. Pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father. Actually finish the following sentences. I get in one of my two favorite chairs and have an actual conversation with God.
Dad, I need to tell you about...
Dad, I need to get your wisdom about...
Dad, what do you think I should do about...
Dad, I need to ask you to do somethings for me...
Dad, I hope you are not asking me to...
Think about these questions and really ponder them in your heart.
What would you ask God if you really embraced Him as your Heavenly Father?
What would you want to tell Him about?
What would you want Him to comfort you about?
What do you want His wisdom about?
I would love to hear from you and your experience with God as your Father. Feel free to reach out to me at info@ptlb.com. Remember, your greatest life is just ahead.
In His service,
Gil Stieglitz
P.S. Want more of Life Is Relationships? Click here for past issues!

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