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How Can I Connect Powerfully with God?

Dr. Gil Stieglitz

"I have never experienced anything like this."

"I have never felt so close to God and so moved in my soul as when I did this worship exercise."

"God came and touched me."

"I felt God reveal himself to me in a way that was so personal and so intimate."

These are just a few of the responses that came from a group of Christians who were introduced to the spiritual discipline of worship. I remember the first time I was introduced to it and the huge impact it had on me. At 9:00 on a Saturday morning, a few friends and I began this exercise and three hours later, God had touched us all in a dramatic way. God's presence powerfully moved on each of us. In what seemed like a half hour, three hours had passed! We were all stunned, changed, and introduced to a whole new level of the spiritual life and the spiritual world. We had experienced God and touched eternity firsthand.

Since that time, I have been holding workshops on the discipline of worship, and I have never been disappointed with what happens. When believers practice this, God comes in a very powerful way and meets the participants there. In lieu of a workshop, you can try this exercise in the privacy of your own home. Or, you could apply this to a group setting as well.

First, prepare a quiet place where you won't be disturbed for 20 minutes to an hour.

Second, I want you to:

  • Not ask God for anything.

  • If God convicts you of sin, quietly confess it and move forward.

  • Focus on just the Lord - adoring Him, praising Him, thanking Him, and exalting Him.

  • Bow on the ground or on your knees in a position of submission, worship, and thanksgiving.

  • Get ready to experience God in a new and profound way.

Third, allow the Lord to lead you into various aspects of adoring Him, praising Him, thanking Him, and exalting Him. Understand who He is and what He has done for you through your dedicated focus on His awesomeness:

  • His essence. He is infinite (no beginning or end), self-existent (He exists with no help outside of himself), spirit (no material substance).

  • His attributes. He is omniscient (He knows everything and all possibilities), omnipresent (He is present everywhere), omnipotent (He is all powerful), immutable (He does not change or need to grow or improve), holy (He is set apart from evil and above us in being), righteous (He always does what is right or just), good (He is benevolent, loving, and compassionate), merciful (He pardons the guilty who accept his help), truth (He is the ultimate answer), sovereign (He is in control).

  • His names are Elohim (Powerful God of Creation), Adonai (Lord and Master of the Universe), Yahweh (God's personal name "I Am"), El Shaddai (The Lord of all the hosts of heaven), Theos (the supreme God above all gods), Kurios (Lord of the universe and you and me), Pater (the Father).

  • His nature. He is three eternal distinctions within the one God: Father, the Ancient of Days; Son, the only begotten God, who is our Savior and Lord; Holy Spirit, our Guide, Protector, Promise.

  • His major works are Creation (He created all the laws, concepts, and things), the Exodus (He selected and save a people for himself), Salvation (He redeemed sinners by the incarnation of himself in humanity and through his death), Scripture (He revealed himself permanently in writing).

  • His law. The negative (10 commandments) and the positive (Beatitudes).

I encourage you to try this. It is life-changing and extremely rewarding. I look forward to interacting with you during your spiritual journey. Please email me at to let me know how God is working in your life.

In His service, Gil Stieglitz


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