One of my favorite things is reading on Facebook or talking to a parent about how they are writing God's Word on their kids' hearts! I love to see and hear kids who are learning The Ten Commandments, doing the hand motions for their memory verses, and generally have a desire for the "things of God."
Because we are always telling kids that God's Word is the guide for their life, we need to follow up with the reading and practical application of the Bible in order for your kids to understand the importance of laying a foundation of truth in their lives. In other words, if you believe that your kids should make decisions based on God's Word, you need to read it together and apply the principles at an early age. You might choose to read a few verses from Proverbs out of a chapter that corresponds with the date. Since there are 31 chapters and the book is filled with wisdom, this works pretty well! You can write some favorite scripture references on paper (or craft sticks) and pull a paper (stick) each day to read and talk over. That way, the practice of reading scripture is as important to them as say the practice of doing sports or finishing homework or conquering a video game.
As you read through the text, talk with your kids about how God is speaking to you through this passage or how you can apply the verse in each one of your lives. Choose a verse a week to memorize as a family and review it daily with your kids. Decide that this is the year where you will implement a family devotion into your day and before you know it, your kids AND YOU will be growing spiritually closer to God and to each other!
As important as it is for us parents to teach our children/grandchildren the Word of God, it is equally as important for them to see YOU reading and applying biblical truth in your everyday life. Do your kids see your Bible open frequently and know that you are intentional about the time you spend in God's Word? Do you use ordinary moments to remind kids of God's provision and His faithfulness and blessing in your lives. The more they see you live out your faith, the more they will be interested in having a faith of their own. One of my favorite memories of my grandmother is of her reading her Bible and having it out on a table, open often and heavily used! I knew my grandma was a woman of God by how she treated others and how she spent time in God's Word. She talked often of what God had done for her and never hesitated to point us to Him and His ways.
Parenting (and grandparenting) is a wonderful journey but we have no guarantees for how our kids are going to turn out. I pray for lots of people who have prodigals and feel hopeless or desperate for their kids. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." My parents trained me "in the way I should go" but as a young adult, I took matters in my own hands. When I had completely messed up my life, I knew exactly where I needed to turn! I had been given a foundation of truth that was embedded in my heart and soul and rescued me from despair. Every step you take to lead your children spiritually will not go wasted. It's never too late to start!
I look forward to interacting with you during your spiritual journey. Please email me to let me know how God is working in and through your life. Your greatest life is just ahead.
In His service,
Laurie Kelley

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