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Tune Into God's Frequency

Dr. Gil Stieglitz

Welcome to Life Is Relationships, a new devotional tool that we at PTLB hope will encourage and strengthen you in the 10 most basic relationships in life. We believe your greatest life comes down to great relationships, and that your number one relationship to pay close attention to is the one you have with God, your Creator, Father, and personal Savior. Fortunately for all of us, our God is a personal God, who wants to communicate with us and wants to relate with us every single day. Let's find out more about how this works in today's devotion, Tune Into God's Frequency.

Most of us have had the experience of listening to the radio in the car driving down the road and getting tired of one station. We punch a button and start listening to another station, and then another, and another until we find something we like. What is interesting is that all of those separate voices and channels of information were all around us the whole time but we were not tuned to the right frequency to receive them. Without a radio and the right frequency, we would never hear the news, sports, talk, rock, pop, jazz, or classical music...we would just drive in silence. I believe that just like the many radio channels available today, God is broadcasting on all kinds of channels every day all the time. Wouldn't it be great if we could just tune into God's voice speaking to us about goals, problems, temptations, relationships, wisdom, money, work, marriage, and the like? Well we can. The way to hear from the Lord has classically been understood for over 3,000 years as practicing the spiritual disciplines or exercises. Each of the various disciplines are channels, if you will, containing various pieces of information and interaction with God on each. God will communicate with you if you are ready to tune yourself to His frequency. If you will humble yourself and listen to what He is saying, then He will guide you and direct you through the decisions and relationships of your life. There are few things as thrilling as knowing that God has directed you personally on a particular day in a particular decision that you have to make. God has done all that He had to in order to make sure that He is broadcasting so you could hear Him if you wanted to. He sent His only Son to live a perfect human life, which qualified him to earn his way into heaven. His Son, Jesus the Christ, voluntarily gave up his perfect life to trade his ticket to heaven with as many people as would believe in him as their Savior. God has therefore taken away the greatest barrier to our interaction with God, our sin. God has also sent His Holy Spirit to convict, prompt, guide, and strive with every person about their need for God and their distance from Him. Furthermore, God has recorded the crucial pieces of information about Him in written form so that mankind will not distort it and deny it. It is called the Bible. The six classic spiritual disciplines that form most people's basic radio channels for tuning into God are: Confession, Holy Spirit, Repetition, Interaction, Service, and Thanksgiving. These six disciplines spell out the word C.H.R.I.S.T. I recommend that people work through these spiritual exercises everyday for about an hour to make sure that they have connected with God in an in-depth way every day. I will be outlining how to do these spiritual exercises or disciplines in future devotions so you can deepen your interaction with God, but in the meantime, stay tuned for God's communication to you every day. I look forward to interacting with you during your spiritual journey. Please email me at to let me know how God is working in and through your life. Your greatest life is ahead. In His service, Dr. Gil Stieglitz

Spiritual Disciplines of a C.H.R.I.S.T.I.A.N.

Spiritual Disciplines of a C.H.R.I.S.T.I.A.N.

This book by Gil Stieglitz offers more about these and other spiritual disciplines, with practical exercises and guidance for each. Visit our online store and order your copy today!

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